I have a question about the migration of an EAi from wm 6.0.1 to wm 6.1.5.
I have looked for details about features added with this version 6.1.5 in this forum and in wm Advantage, and I have not found interesting documents.:o
There is no "wm 6.0.1." or "wm 6.1.5" so maybe that's why there is no material available. :)
webMethods is a company, not a product.
Integration Server does not have a 6.1.5 version. All the version 6.1.5 stuff is for other products, such as Manager, Modeler, Optimize, Workflow, etc.
Can you describe the integration application you need to migrate? What does it do? Where is its business logic coded? What adapters or resources does it depend on?
Don’t make us guess your problem by asking this kind of question. Provide a thorough description of your problem and you will mostly likely get a well-considered answer in a short period of time. If you make those of us who have day jobs interview you to get the details you will just frustrate the community and slow down your response.