I am having trouble with setting up stublog for the following scenario:
A PDA application is making WebService calls to a web server (ISS).
The webservice is making a Natural RPC call via the EntireX .Net Wrapper for c#.
According to the EntireX documentation, this should be using the EntireX c-stub, and tracing should be controlled by the ETB_STUBLOG environment variable.
I have sat ETB_STUBLOG=1 on the webserver, and rebooted it.
However I can’t find any trace file anywhere.
With the netstat -b command i can verify that that IIS (w3wp.exe), has a connection with the broker.
And with process explorer I can verify that the ETB_STUBLOG is set for w3wp.exe.
In Process Explorer from Sysinternals (now Microsoft), I can see that USERPROFILE for IIS is set to C:\Documents and Settings\Default User
but there is nothing under My Documents there.
I have also asked users, if they got anything in their Documents folder, but they don’t.
Is there anything that could prevent EntireX to create the trace files?
Like security settings or antivirus?
I have searched the eventlog, but haven’t found anything suspicious though.
That’s one of the reasons we changed the stublog location from the current working directory to the Documents folder. IIS tried to write the stublog to window/system32 …
We couldn’t figure out which user the IIS is using (well probably the default: NETWORK SERVICE but we didn’t have the time to experiment).
Instead we granted universal access for the Default User folder (C:\Documents and Settings\Default User) and after reboot of the server, the trace files were generated.