I use NaturalOne under Eclipse Luna and I have some problems with letter G (group by type) under Natural Navigator.
i send you the screens in attachement.
Why the system doesn’t group the object by Type?
Groupobject-naturalone.docx (34.6 KB)
So you say there are no DDMs visible when you try to expand DDMs in the "G"roup view ?
… and if you use the standard navigator everything is visible right ?
I don’t have this problem in my ONE911 env with neither Win nor MF as NDV-servers.
And only now I see that you write eclipse Luna - sounds somewhat old! - which version of ONE are you using ?
In Navigator, it’s ok. I see all objects.
Version: Luna Service Release 2 (4.4.2)
For another project, I have no problem in natural navigator. The objects are grouped by type.
You can check the NaturalOne version in
“Help” - “About Software AG Designer”
A wild guess could be a bug in relation to Natural Security and/or the special “SYSTEM” library.
But if your NaturalONE is out of support you shouldn’t expect a fix.
8.3.6 is out of support as of April this year
So perhaps an idea to upgrade anyway ?
- Many nice features in the newest version