I have downloaded natural 2006, version 6.2.3. I have tried to install that on Windows XP-service pack -2. Upon clicking on setup button,after configuring windows installer it is showing an error message as follows
‘Error 1629 - Invalid command line’
problem.zip (152 KB)
Hi Praveen,
This looks like an InstallShield error(/bug?)
FIX: Error -1629: Incorrect Command-Line Parameter
hi finn,
I am using WINDOWS INSTALLER 3.1(KB893803).
The updates for Developer 7.0 SP4 are not acitve. So i have downloaded the setup.exe file. While using INSTALL SHIELD CORPORATION’S SETUP LAUNCHER an error is mesage was displayed (Please find the screen shot attached).
Do i need to install an older version of setup launcher before using this file.
problem2.zip (68.4 KB)
Hi Praveen,
I’m definitely not an expert in this area, but “google suggests” that the reason may be that the download file(s) are corrupt.