Hi All, Sometimes we are facing an issue due to unrecognized sender, receiver while processing ReceiptAcknowledgment (RNIF 2.0). Attached is the screenshot.
My understanding
Since Sender, receiver were marked unknown and this documents did not match the conversation and completed the model.
Due to this process instance was re-trying to send the messages and failed after 3 retry with SendNOF.
Screenshot of failed process instance also attached.
Only below error messages is found in server log and activity log;
2013-11-05 04:52:35 EET [ISU.0000.9999E] Estd_1383619953995;Proxy=Estd_1383619953995:com.wm.estd.rosettaNet.RequestHandler.receive:1055: Failed to load the
input TPA, this may happen if the TPA is not in a ‘Agreed’ status or the conversation id to which this TPA belongs is not valid, the conversation id for this PIP is ei
ther expired or is not valid. Reason:com.wm.estd.rosettaNet.tpa.TradingPartnerAgreementNotFoundException: Failed to load the input TPA, this may happen if the TPA is no
t in a ‘Agreed’ status or the conversation id to which this TPA belongs is not valid, the conversation id for this PIP is either expired or is not valid.
Thanks Rakesh for quick response, actually BPM has not failed due to ACK.
As ACK Messages was received but sender/receiver were marked unknown, Due to this ACK was not mapped to conversation.
As result there were retry by the model to send messages and failed due to sendNOF.
Here I believe the issue with TN not able to recognize sender/receiver.
Did you check more on why the sender/receiver unknown from the Activity log and also is this a cluster IS env are you trying? Is this happened in your lower level environment also?
You said 1 out of 20 for the same customer or differrent customer behaviour?
I did investigation but could not find why sender/receiver unknown. The whole reason I need your expertise.
Yes, we have a cluster environment.
This behavior is only for one customer. We are not able to reproduce this error at lower environment, we are still trying and hoping to reproduce this in lower environment.
I am not sure if any fix would help, I have read RN next fix pack readme but did not find anything which might suggest on resolution. I will double check on this.
Thanks for help. Any other point would be helpful.
Was your Unknown partner issue fixed? We are facing the similar one. Before i go the same path of researching etc, Just wanted to check with you if your issue was resolved?
Please check if you have 2 or more sets of same process model is enabled for execution for the same (PIP name , number , version and transaction)
Also check if the right process model combination is enabled for execution and others are turned off for the same (PIP name , number , version and transaction)
I.e corresponding buyer and seller models to be enabled and avoid conflicts