Hi All,
We are trying to implement Optimize for SAP for SAP Process monitoring. However we have been facing issues for achieving this. If anybody has implemented your feedback would be much appreciated.
- We are trying to implement Remote Receiver Coupling for Basic Events like Sales Order Created, Delivery Created. When Business Object Events are triggered we can see the Event in SAP Adapter Transaction Log on webMethods. However it does not get processed.
Issue: When we try structure data in a hierarchical structure meaning
Order - One document
Header - One Document
Lines – Document List
Lets say we have 5 fields in header, when we receive data from SAP , the Pipeline shows 6 fields of data, Index 0 having the name of the structure like Header in this case and 1-5 indexed fields having business Data.
Per SAG, we are expected to receive runtime data exactly same as Design Time. Also seems some of the customers have already implemented this.
Any response would be of great help.