I have been struggling for some days now to configure a new webMethods 10.5 environment (yes I know it is out of support but the client does not want to upgrade for now). I installed IS and made it work after several install - reinstall operations. With MWS however it’s a total disaster. I just can’t get to create the default osgi profile. I lost count of how many times I installed, reinstalled, dropped and re-created the DB product for MWS.
After running below command:
./mws.sh -s default create-osgi-profile
I am getting
FAILED to create an OSGi profile for server instance. Please see create-osgi-profile_default.log for details.
In the create-osgi-profile_default.log I can see absolutely nothing useful:
Copying 1 file to /wmHome/MWS/features/uninstall
Deleting directory /wmHome/MWS/server/default/temp/osgi-custom-libs
Created dir: /wmHome/MWS/server/default/temp/osgi-custom-libs
Created dir: /wmHome/MWS/server/default/temp/osgi-custom-libs/definitions
Created dir: /wmHome/MWS/server/default/temp/osgi-custom-libs/eclipse/plugins
Approximating what the classpath will be
Updating engineering fixes for OSGi profile ...
Created dir: /wmHome/MWS/server/default/temp/osgi-custom-libs/eclipse/features
Building jar: /wmHome/MWS/server/default/temp/osgi-custom-libs/eclipse/features/feature.jar
Debug options:
file:/wmHome/MWS/server/.options not found
!SESSION 2024-04-08 17:08:50.813 -----------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Azul Systems, Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86_64, WS=gtk, NL=en_US
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 4 0 2024-04-08 17:08:50.876
!MESSAGE Error reading configuration: Unable to create lock manager.
java.io.IOException: Unable to create lock manager.
at org.eclipse.osgi.storagemanager.StorageManager.open(StorageManager.java:713)
Do SAG developers even bother with actual exception handling?
Do you have any ideas what else I can check?
I had a SI with SAG and according to them MWS is a “fragile” product and in most cases you just have to re-try to install and re-install it. I find it unacceptable that even though SAG products are extremely expensive one has to struggle to install MWS fresh.
Try installing to a different(new) location. Installation directory has some shared fixes and sometimes they get corrupted. FYI, you shouldn’t need to manually create osgi profile under normal conditions. ./mws init should also do that automatically and even if you don’t init, it should init itself on startup.
Eventually I did this as well. The osgi profile has been created but MWS still won’t start. In the full log all I can see is some useless NullPointerException. From my point of view, it is unacceptable that one has to waste days to make it work given the fact that I am installing it fresh.
Are you creating a new DB or using an existing one? What is the DB collation setting you are using? If it is non english collation, check the output of DB scripts, especially if you are using SQL server. For example in Turkish, there are 2 different I letters, I,ı and İ,i and sql server considers INSERT and insert are same, but if it is a variable that has the same letter, like index, then it considers İNDEX and index are same, but index and INDEX are different. Unfortunately, the scripts that SoftwareAG provides, uses as I and i at the same time interchangeably, so they usually fail if I install MWS with Turkish collation unless I edit the scripts manually. Try creating the table with default collation and see if it helps.
If my memory is correct, those null-pointer exceptions should clear after installing one of the patches. If the new installation is failing, its either a DB tables or an OS configuration error.
Thanks for the tips!
I eventually managed to fix the issue by installing MWS in a different location and recreating the DB for MWS product. Although this worked, it’s a workaround and I really hope that SAG will do something in the future so that we don’t need thousands of workarounds and manual steps to install this product.
Its usually not that difficult. You can create a container using installer, and use the container version instead. But you still need to create the DB tables if using MWS for central users or resubmission/monitoring purposes. For most environments, MWS should be the only product in the installation directory, so if something goes wrong I just delete the parent directory and install it again.