Number of External ID%b4s per partner profil limited


we are using TN4.6 along with IS4.6 and want to add in profile MyEnterprise some additional external ID´s to handle different ReceiverID´s (no DUNS, but custom ID´s). We can add up to 8 entries, and the button “Add New External ID” is disabled. Is there a limitation of external ID´s that can be assigned to a partner profile ?

Thanks in advance,

There is no limitation for adding externalIDs.(If not contact tech wmsupport)

Even there are some WmTN built-in services available which you can add more external IDs using the flow.



I have the same problem. Can’t add more then 8 external ids through TN console 4.6. Fix suggested by advantage did not work. Can you please tell me how you solved this issue? I tried to add those fields by creating a special flow, but how do I create addID’s input? especially the one defined as…ID instance?

