NTLM Authentication: When authentication failure happens


With reference to the 8-2-SP1_Administering_My_webMethods_Server guide, we have setup NTLM as our default authentication scheme. On page 221, Form Authentication states that all unauthenticated requests will be redirected to a default login page. What about NTLM? We would like all failed authentication requests to get redirect to our default login page too. I tried the following steps:

  1. Login as sysadmin
  2. Go to Administration->Folders->System->Authentication Schemes
  3. Select the properties for NTLM
  4. Choose Yes for Performs Redirect
  5. Select our login page’s Alias for Redirect URI and update

However, failed authentication is not redirecting users to our default login page. Instead, it shows the message

[POP.001.0002] A “jcifs.smb.SmbAuthException” occurred with the Message “Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.”

followed by a Northwind Customer List table…

How can I correct this?

Thanks in advance.