Not able to see the admin page

hi i am not able to see the admin page of webMethods…i have started the server and when i try to see the admin page by using url http://localhost:5555 i got a pop up from windows XP saying a java.exe is trying to do something block or unblock…i said unblock but still it is not opening the page

Hi Ani

Could you just see what happens when you use this url:
[url]http://localhost:5555/WmRoot[/url] and see whether the problem persist.


Ani correct me if i m wrong, your IS is running but you can’t be able to open IS admin page. Make sure you don’t have another IS running on the same box with the same port no.

Even if you disable/inactivate Default package…you will get same problem…solution is accessing [url]http://localhost:5555/WmRoot[/url] as Amon said…