Not able to deploy Environment file in MWS


To view the executed process instances, I am trying to connect to Analytic engine. Currently it is offline. I have defined the environment and getting following error while deploying. Could you please help on this.

Error deploying logical server type “Analytic Engine v8.2.1.0” version “” to host “localhost”
Deployment Error: could not bind to path: [url]http://localhost:47894/services/IRemoteConfiguration.wsdl[/url]
One or more of the following configurations could not be deployed

System Identity
System Endpoint Registry
Membership management
JDBC alias configuration type “Analytic Repository” version “”
JDBC alias configuration type “Common Directory Repository” version “”
JDBC alias configuration type “Process History Repository” version “”
JDBC alias configuration type “Process Model Repository” version “”
JDBC alias configuration type “Process Work Repository” version “”
JDBC pool configuration “ProcessAudit”
JDBC pool configuration “MWSPool”
Configuration type “Cache Configuration” version “”
Configuration type “Coherence Cache Configuration” version “”
Configuration type “Lock Configuration” version “”
Configuration type “Journal Logging” version “”
Configuration type “JNDI Configuration” version “”
Configuration type “Amoeba Behavior Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Analysis Engine Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Database Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Data Maintenance Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Mail Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Monitor Behavior Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Process Tracker Test Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Process Tracker Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Station Settings” version “”
Configuration type “Service Discovery Settings” version “”
Configuration type “WSAction Settings” version “”
Configuration type “SNMPAlert Settings” version “”
Configuration type “JMSEventAction Settings” version “”

Deployment of environment “AnalyticEngine” FAILED due to errors. Note that one or more logical servers may have been successfully deployed. The most common deployment failure is that the component was not started on the host specified in the logical to physical server mapping or was unreachable during deployment.


Did you find resolution for this?If so,please let me know

Was the engine started before trying to deploy?

The engine must be running otherwise the MWS will be able to transfer the data and trigger the engine to store it.
