necessary steps need to do while deploying and configuring p

hi all,

Any one help me to get deployment steps and configuration setps after publishing the portlet application in my webMethods server, it is real-time portlet pplication.
anil kumar e

not really sure what you mean, but I’ll give it a try anyway :slight_smile:
Configuration of a CAF application in MWS is done over the “CAF Runtime Application Configuration” (which you will find in the Administration Dashboard → Configuration when you log in as sysadmin).
Or do you mean deployment from a DEV environment to another one?

best regards,

thanks for reply, yes i need how to deploy from DEV to another environment.

in your reply you mentioned that you can do configuration setting in “CAF Runtime Application Configuration”"

Configuration of a CAF application in MWS is done over the “CAF Runtime Application Configuration” (which you will find in the Administration Dashboard → Configuration when you log in as sysadmin). “”“”“”

what is the use of these configuration settings with respect to the CAF application.

Using that you can set the values for environmental variables, you can change the End point URL of your webServices.

Sunil Kumar N

Have you had a look at the contents of $SAG_HOME/MWS/mycomponents ?

There is an ANT script that does the compilation etc.

Hi All,

I am also doing deployment right now from DEV to UAT environment.
I cant find the steps in the thread.
Can you please let me know what are the steps you followed to deploy your CAF project from one env to another env.
It will be a great help.


What problem you are facing if you are creating deployment set of type MWS project and selecting caf portlet and application pages.

Baharul Islam