Is there any know reason as to why when I add a Nav Back button onto my app, that it suddenly has issues with Y position of the UI components when I run this in Android?
E.g. it should look like this:
but in Android when I run it, it comes out like this… with every UI component positioned at Y=0.
If I comment out the folling code so the nav back button isn’t aded to the page, i.e. I remove this:
nUINavbuttonElement ne = new nUINavbuttonElement(NUIID_FAILURE_BACK_BUTTON, “Back”, null);
Then it renders properly in the android version, i.e.
The downside then is that the hardware/emulator back button doesn’t work anymore and I’d have to add a button to get back which I didn’t really want to do.
Any clues as to what is causing this?
Kind regards