NAT6974 Conversion error on Server, reason 7 ,000

NAT6974 Conversion error on Server, reason 7 ,000.

I receive this error when making a call to EntireX. The error message says to increase the RPCSIZE I have done this on the RPC mainframe side to the max but still get the error. This is on version

what is your environment? That is are you using Natural RPC Server on the mainframe or is Natural the client here? Is the error showing up in the Natural RPC Server trace file (CMPRT10) or on the client side? Can you paste your RPC= subparameters for Natural here? The max for RPCSIZE is 2gb, but a more useful setting is RPC=(RPCSIZE=96,MAXBUFF=28)

Thanks Douglas for your response. It has solved my problem, thanks.