Conversion error on server

Dear forum,
I currently have an occurence/array of 260 on a group level field using ACI.

When I try the same occurence/array size using RPC I get “10146974: xxxxxxxxx 9999 NAT6974 Conversion error on Server, reason 4 ,000”.
When I change the size to 235 occurences then I do not get the error. Anything bigger produces the error.

My question is, under RPC is this the maximum size(235) or is this a bug, or is there a parameter to change in the attribute file to get more occurences?

Best regards

Dear Hennie,

please increase the MAXBUFF value on the Natural RPC server side.

With RPC632 which is delivered with NAT425 all buffers are dynamically increased on demand.

Best regards,

Dear Hennie,

please increase the MAXBUFF value on the Natural RPC server side.

With RPC632 which is delivered with NAT425 all buffers are dynamically increased on demand.

Best regards,

Other sizes to check as you go:

  • RPCSIZE > MAXBUFF (minimum of MAXBUFF + 4, but more is usually needed. With a large array, I’d probably use MAXBUFF + 256)
  • MAXBUFF < MAXMSG (MAXMSG is the EntireX Broker Attribute, set on the mainframe Broker server side)

RPC will require a larger buffer as it carries not only the payload that you had in the ACI call, but also a “format buffer” and other information that describes the payload down to the field level.