MWS Startup issue in wM9.7

Hello Admin,

Can you please look into below MWS logs for wM 9.7 version, I am facing issue while first time start up.
As I can see my IS+DB configuration+UM and JDBC pool look okay and even had wMPRT package in my IS.

webMethods MWS start up Issue Version 9.7

2015-01-14 09:10:00 IST (Framework:FATAL) - failed to create object, class is null
2015-01-14 09:10:00 IST (Framework:FATAL) - failed to create object, class is null
2015-01-14 09:10:00 IST (Framework:FATAL) - failed to create object, class is null
2015-01-14 09:10:00 IST (Framework:FATAL) - failed to create object, class is null
2015-01-14 09:10:00 IST (Framework:FATAL) - failed to create object, class is null
2015-01-14 09:10:00 IST (Framework:FATAL) - failed to create object, class is null
2015-01-14 09:10:00 IST (Framework:FATAL) - [POP.001.0002] A “java.lang.NullPointerException” occurred with the Message “at com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.command.impl.CommandManager.getCommand(”
at com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.command.impl.CommandManager.getCommand(
at com.webMethods.portal.bizPolicy.command.impl.CommandManager.getCommand(
at com.webMethods.portal.taglib.ui.command.ProcessClientSideScriptsBootstrap.init(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.init.impl.DefaultPhase$InitializableWrapper.init(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.init.impl.DefaultPhase.initComponent(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.impl.BaseProvider.initComponents(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.impl.BaseProvider.init(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.init.impl.DefaultPhase.init(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.init.impl.DefaultPhaseProvider.initComponent(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.impl.BaseProvider.initComponents(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.impl.BaseProvider.init(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.init.impl.DefaultPhaseProvider.initializePhases(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.init.impl.ClusterPhaseProvider.initializePhases(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.init.impl.PartitionPhaseProvider.initializePhases(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.PortalSystem.init(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.PortalSystem.main(
at com.webMethods.portal.system.PortalSystemActivator$
at com.webMethods.portal.system.PortalSystemActivator$
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST ( - Authorization service not available.

<log4j:event logger=“Framework” timestamp=“1421206800217” level=“FATAL” thread=“MWS Startup pool-1-thread-1”>

<log4j:event logger=“Framework” timestamp=“1421206800622” level=“FATAL” thread=“MWS Startup pool-1-thread-1”>

2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender.internal.blueprint.activator.BlueprintLoaderListener:INFO) - Application context succesfully closed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=com.softwareag.platform.config.filter.locations, config=bundleentry://76.fwk1827547794/OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml))
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST ( - Unpublishing application context OSGi service for bundle Config Loader Console (com.softwareag.platform.config.console)
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST ( - Closing OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=com.softwareag.platform.config.console, config=bundleentry://75.fwk1827547794/OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml): startup date [Wed Jan 14 09:09:19 IST 2015]; root of context hierarchy
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST ( - Unregistered service [ServiceRegistrationWrapper for {org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandProvider}={,, osgi.service.blueprint.compname=adminCommands, Bundle-SymbolicName=com.softwareag.platform.config.console, Bundle-Version=,}]
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST ( - Unregistered service [ServiceRegistrationWrapper for {org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.CommandProvider}={,, osgi.service.blueprint.compname=loaderCommands, Bundle-SymbolicName=com.softwareag.platform.config.console, Bundle-Version=,}]
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender.internal.blueprint.activator.BlueprintLoaderListener:INFO) - Application context succesfully closed (OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=com.softwareag.platform.config.console, config=bundleentry://75.fwk1827547794/OSGI-INF/blueprint/blueprint.xml))
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST ( - Unpublishing application context OSGi service for bundle gemini-blueprint-extender (org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender)
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST ( - Closing OsgiBundleXmlApplicationContext(bundle=org.eclipse.gemini.blueprint.extender, config=bundleentry://72.fwk1827547794/META-INF/spring/extender/blueprint.xml): startup date [Wed Jan 14 09:09:19 IST 2015]; root of context hierarchy
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (com.softwareag.wsstack.osgi.axis2.internal.Activator:INFO) - Axis2 stopped.
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.impl.EventEmitterImpl:INFO) - EventEmitterImpl.deactivate
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.impl.cache.NERVCacheManager:INFO) - NERVCacheManager.deactivate
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.impl.cache.NERVCacheManager:INFO) - [EDANII0093] Shutting down Ehcache CacheManager.
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.impl.cache.NERVCacheManager:INFO) - End of NERVCacheManager.deactivate
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (com.softwareag.eda.nerv.impl.EventEmitterImpl:INFO) - End of EventEmitterImpl.deactivate
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - Shutdown Manager running all shutdown hooks.
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - System Bundle Shutdown Shutting down…
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - StackTrace for shutdown - this is an expect info message only :
org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleContextImpl$ Method)

2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - Shutting down components of: MWS
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - Shutting down components of: DataPhaseTwo
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - Shutting down components of: webApplication
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - Shutting down components of: webApp
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - Shutting down components of: portletWebManager
2015-01-14 09:10:01 IST (Framework:INFO) - Shutting down PortalServlet

<log4j:event logger=“Framework” timestamp=“1421206795345” level=“FATAL” thread=“MWS Startup pool-1-thread-1”>
log4j:throwable<![CDATA[java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.webMethods.portal.portlet.impl.wm_shelladmin.Shelladmin
at com.webMethods.portal.service.classmanager.impl.ComponentClassManager$ManagerClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at com.webMethods.portal.service.classmanager.impl.ComponentClassManager$ManagerClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(


Did you install all MWS related tables correctly with the help of DB configurator…


Hi MR,

I will tell you what all steps I have performed while installing WM 9.7 version

  1. I have installed IS and top of it I need TN then I have ran DB configuration script which will creates some tables

  2. Again from Image I installed UM components

  3. So till date IS+ UM working fine

  4. Then again I tried to installed MWS components, it work fine while installation after that I observed in IS page
    4.1 WmPRT packages was there and in active status
    4.2 I checked JDBC pool I can see process Audit/Engine is also configured with DB alias pool and tested DB connectivity that also it’s working fine so now questions Is ?

  5. Do i need to ran DB configuration scripts again for MWS components as well & where can i get those script file?

Find the DB configurator table name space

Did I missing anything related to MWS?

Successfully installed components

ActiveTransfer 25.0
Analysis 70.0
Archive 48.0
Blaze 10.0
BusinessRules 10.0
CentralConfiguration 27.0
CloudStreamsEvents 10.0
CrossReference 11.0
DataPurge 26.0
DatabaseManagement 23.0
DistributedLocking 20
DocumentHistory 10.0
EventPersistence 10.0
ISCoreAudit 50.0
ISInternal 55.0
MediatorEvents 30.0
MobileSupport 10.0
MywebMethodsServer 45.0
webMethods OneDataMetadata 45.0
OperationManagement 30.0
ProcessAudit 75.0
ProcessEngine 76.0
ProcessTracker 55.0
Reporting 30.0
Staging 25.0
SuiteReporting 15.0
TradingNetworks 50.0
TradingNetworksArchive 50.0

I usually use separate schemas for different components to keep an overview which data is stored where:

IS PRODUCT IntegrationServer and PRODUCT BPM
TN PRODUCT TradingNetworks
MWS PRODUCT MyWebmethodsServer
Optimize PRODUCT Optimize
Archive Component Archive (requires a separate schema if real archiving is desired as the data tables have the same names as the original ones from IntegrationServer and BPM)

Best Practice is to do an installation of DB-Configurator alone and configure the DB schemata before installing the remaining components.

When using Central User Management, the MWS must be started at least once to initialize the User repository before starting the IS for the first time, otherwise the Common Directory Service in the IS will not startup correctly.



Run Db configurator tool product wise, make sure all tables get created without any errors. IF prior steps ends with success kindly shutdown wM components and restart one by one. Kindly let us know after implementing above steps.


@Thomsen &MR,

My Previous MWS startup issue was resolved Yeah I agreed with @thomsen that I need to follow best practices by using separate DB schema for each components which give better visibility but regd 2nd point yeah I have created DB schema first and then only I have installed rest of the components 1 by 1.

  1. I have drop all tables and deleted DB schema and then again tried to recreate tables by using DB configurator 1by1 and even i tried to installed extra instance to check this MWS issue but there also I face same startup issue.
  2. Later i used same my old instance clean up by dropping tables and recreated tables component by components anf finally I am able to MWS login page BUT Have 1 more issue while configuring server setting in MWS error

Can you have a look?

I have tried to configured in MWS → System Setting with my IS localhost:6666 & Broker port 6849 BUT getting following exception →
While I tried to check following view’s in MWS portal page
MWS->Administrator view → Business Process → error Transport error: 401 Error: [ISS.0084.9001] Invalid credentials
MWS->Administrator view → Business Process Dashboard → exception I am getting
Failed to evaluate binding expression: “#{ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView.processModels}”
Web Service Connection Error. Have a System Administrator verify the Integration Server settings at Administration → My webMethods → System Settings
java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 1 | java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 1 | at electric.soap.http.reference.SOAPToHTTP.invoke(
jvm 1 | at electric.soap.http.reference.SOAPToHTTP.handle(
jvm 1 | at electric.soap.references.logging.LoggingSOAPReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at electric.jaxrpc.handler.JAXRPCReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.soap.module.SOAPModuleReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at electric.soap.references.interceptor.InterceptorSOAPReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at electric.proxy.handler.Proxy.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy120.pingService(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invokeMethod(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy78.pingService(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.servers.ServersDefaultviewView.pingIs(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.servers.ServersDefaultviewView.checkServerStatusAction(
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.MethodExpressionImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.application.CAFMethodExpression.invoke(
jvm 1 | at javax.faces.component.MethodBindingMethodExpressionAdapter.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(
jvm 1 | at javax.faces.component.UICommand.broadcast(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.table.html.DataTable.broadcast(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.ViewRoot.broadcastEvents(
jvm 1 | at javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot.processApplication(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.ViewRoot.processApplication(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.InvokeApplicationPhase.execute(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.Phase.doPhase(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.portlet.PortletLifecycle.phase(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.portlet.PortletLifecycle.execute(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.portlet.FacesPortlet.processAction(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.impl.PortletApplicationHandler.process(PortletApplicationHandler.ja
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.servlet.PortletServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.doHandle(
jvm 1 at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Dispatcher.forward(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.PortletContainer.dispatch(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.PortletContainer.process(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.PortletContainer.processPortletAction(
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.dispatch.DispatchManager.handle(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.dispatch.DispatchManager.handleDispatch(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.impl.PortalServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
jvm 1 | 2015-01-15 20:31:54 IST (Framework:WARN) [RID:276] - Failed to evaluate binding expression: "#{ProcessDashboardDefaultviewV
jvm 1 | javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: javax.el.ELException: java.lang.
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.application.ValueBindingValueExpressionAdapter.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.application.CAFValueBinding.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.bean.BaseFacesBean.resolveExpression(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.bean.BaseFacesBean._resolveDataBinding(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.bean.BaseFacesBean.resolveDataBinding(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.processdashboard.ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView.getProcessModelsTree(ProcessDashboardDefaultview
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | at javax.el.BeanELResolver.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver._getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.application.CAFValueExpression.getValue(
jvm 1 | at javax.faces.component.ValueBindingValueExpressionAdapter.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.table.html.DataTable.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.table.html.DataTable.getContentProvider(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.table.html.DataTable.getContentProvider(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.table.html.DataTable.getClientId(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.util.ComponentUtils.createClientId(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.component.util.ComponentUtils.createClientIdsList(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.render.html.command.BaseHtmlCommandRenderer.getRefreshClientIds(BaseHtmlCommandRenderer.jav
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.servlet.PortletServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.PortletContainer.dispatch(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.PortletContainer.process(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.PortletContainer.renderPortlet(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.beans.PortletBean.processRequest(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portletcontainer.beans.PortletBean.getContentInternal(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.portlet.beans.BasicPortletBean.getContent(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.mech.portlet.impl.PortletMechanics.getPortletContent(
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.renderers.PortalPageSubRenderer.renderPortlet(PortalPageSubRenderer.jav
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.renderers.PortalPageSubRenderer.renderColumn(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.renderers.PortalPageSubRenderer.renderRow(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.renderers.PortalPageSubRenderer.renderContent(PortalPageSubRenderer.jav
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.renderers.PortalPageSubRenderer.subrender(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.renderers.NoodleRenderer.renderPageContent(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.renderers.DefaultRenderer.render(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.presentation.PresentationManager.handlePres(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.dispatch.DispatchManager.pres(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.dispatch.DispatchManager.handle(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.dispatch.DispatchManager.handleDispatch(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.impl.PortalServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.UserAgentFilter.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.GzipFilter.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.faces.servlet.GZIPFilter.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.impl.NTLMV1Filter.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.impl.NTLMFilter.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.impl.RequestFilter.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.portal.framework.impl.JsfPartialAjaxRequestFilter.doFilter(
jvm 1 | at org.eclipse.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler$CachedChain.doFilter(
jvm 1 | Caused by: javax.el.ELException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetE
jvm 1 | at javax.el.BeanELResolver.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver._getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.faces.application.ValueBindingValueExpressionAdapter.getValue(
jvm 1 | Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.processdashboard.ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView.getModelInfoFromWS(ProcessDashboardDefaultviewVi
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.processdashboard.ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView.getProcessModels(ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | at javax.el.BeanELResolver.getValue(
jvm 1 | Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor767.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | Caused by: com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.WSClientException: Exception occurred while invoking webservice: http://localhost:666
6/soap/rpc. Details: java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 1 | : HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 2 | at
jvm 2 | Caused by: com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.WSClientException: Exception occurred while invoking webservice: http://localhost:6666/soap/rpc. D
etails: java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 2 | : HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 2 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invoke(
jvm 2 | at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy78.getAllModelsAggregateTree(Unknown Source)
jvm 2 | Caused by: java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 2 | at electric.soap.http.reference.SOAPToHTTP.invoke(
jvm 2 | at electric.soap.http.reference.SOAPToHTTP.handle(
jvm 2 | at electric.soap.references.logging.LoggingSOAPReference.handle(
jvm 2 | at electric.jaxrpc.handler.JAXRPCReference.handle(
jvm 2 | at com.webMethods.soap.module.SOAPModuleReference.handle(
jvm 2 | at electric.soap.references.interceptor.InterceptorSOAPReference.handle(
jvm 2 | at
jvm 2 | at
jvm 2 | at
jvm 2 | at electric.proxy.handler.Proxy.invoke(
jvm 2 | at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy92.getAllModelsAggregateTree(Unknown Source)
jvm 2 | at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor166.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 2 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 2 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 2 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invokeMethod(
jvm 2 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invoke(
jvm 2 | 2015-01-15 20:56:56 IST (jsf:INFO) [RID:4] - Failed to evaluate binding expression: “#{ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView.pageNumbers}”: Fai
led to evaluate binding expression: “#{ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView.pageNumbers}”
jvm 2 | 2015-01-15 20:56:57 IST (Framework:INFO) [RID:18] - Request [t66uxsewiiqm482lqv2sy3lj:SysAdmin] http://localhost:8686/folder.system (POST
jvm 2 | 2015-01-15 20:56:59 IST (Framework:INFO) [RID:19] - Request [xkx139ht8cdaa8dgyzn7iv0b:Administrator] http://localhost:8686/ (GET)
jvm 2 | 2015-01-15 20:57:04 IST (Framework:INFO) [RID:20] - Request [xkx139ht8cdaa8dgyzn7iv0b:Administrator] http://localhost:8686/
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy96.getAllModelsAggregateTree(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | Caused by: java.rmi.RemoteException: HTTP error response:

Access Denied

jvm 1 | at electric.soap.http.reference.SOAPToHTTP.invoke(
jvm 1 | at electric.soap.http.reference.SOAPToHTTP.handle(
jvm 1 | at electric.soap.references.logging.LoggingSOAPReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at electric.jaxrpc.handler.JAXRPCReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.soap.module.SOAPModuleReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at electric.soap.references.interceptor.InterceptorSOAPReference.handle(
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at
jvm 1 | at electric.proxy.handler.Proxy.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy106.getAllModelsAggregateTree(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor767.invoke(Unknown Source)
jvm 1 | at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
jvm 1 | at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invokeMethod(
jvm 1 | at com.webMethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy.invoke(
jvm 1 | 2015-01-15 20:31:54 IST (jsf:INFO) [RID:276] - Failed to evaluate binding expression: “#{
ocessModels}”: Failed to evaluate binding expression: “#{ProcessDashboardDefaultviewView.processModels}”

Can you please share the correlating snippet from your IS server.log?

Additionally have a look at your configuration for WmMonitor-Package, WmPRT-Package and IS settings (under Settings → Resources [check for MWS SAML URL]).
Please check your JDBC-Pool for “Central Users” (it should point to current MWS schema).

Please provide some screenshots to us so that we might be able to assist in a more specific way.


Hi Thomsen

I do see WmMonitor & WmPRT package are in active state and even I have MWS SAML URL which is pointed to correct URL and JDBC Pool for Central Users has been using same MWS schema

Find the addition details from my IS and MWS page with snapshots.

Hi Raj,

looks like there some missing components on MWS and some not even installed or started.

You are definitely missing the MWS_Broker_Portal Component in MWS to look at the Broker status.

Additionally Optimize seems to be not initialized correctly (or maybe not even installed), this is indicated by the yellow dot in WmPRT homepage. for the case that Optimize is not required this can be ingnored.

The server log indicates some invalid SAML-Authentication, so there seems to be a mismatch in User-Configuration (SAML-URL, WmMonitor, User Administrator [esp. PW] on IS and MWS).
