MWS migration errors

  1. While running the migration utility in MWS, below error is thrown even though the MWS database is showing v10.11, attached screenshot. DCC has already been run on the MWS DB. This is not the first time I’m noticing this error, same error resulted when we were migrating another env from 10.7 to 10.15. “The database of the destination server “default” has not been updated. Expected version v10.11 but found version 60. Please run the DB Configurator to update the destination database.
    2.15:36:33.286 [main] ERROR Migration - APP_ERROR> The database of the destination server “default” has not been updated. Expected version v10.11 but found version 60. Please run the DB Configurator to update the destination database.”*
  2. After installing MWS, the console doesn’t come up until I drop the MWS product from DCC and recreate it again. I had already completed DCC-migrate on the DB just after MWS installation. Console comes up only after I drop and recreate the MWS product or the related components. I had to do the same action when we were migrating another env from 10.7 to 10.15.
    Has anyone faced the same error? If yes, what did you do to fix it?

Hi Venkat,

looks like your database was migrated only partially leading to an inconsistent state.

DCC knows two modes for creating/updating or migrating the DB schemas: Products and Components.

Please note that the component “Archive” requires its own database schema, otherwise it won´t work correctly.
See Monitor Users Guide for details.

Additionally I recommend to split the schema into several smaller ones, so you won´t lose all configs/data completely when the schema crashes but only parts of them:

  • BPM & IntegrationServer (ProcessEngine, ProcessAudit, ISInternal, DocumentHistiory, CrossReference, ISCoreAudit, DistributedLocking, TaskEngine for IS)
  • TradingNetworks
  • Optimize (for Infrastructure and Processes)
  • MWS (consists of MWS, CommonDirectoryServices and CentralConfiguration)
  • Archive

All of these schemas should be updated to “Latest” version using Products when available and using Components when no Product covers the appropriate function.


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This helps, Thank you Holger. Do you have some idea about this error while running the migration utility?
Error during migration. Error message: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/BuildException

This issue is resolved. I found the ant.jar in SAG_HOME/common/lib/ant/lib having a slightly lesser size of 2255545 against 2255571 in the servers where the migration utility was successful. I copied the ant.jar with the higher size and placed in the server where its failing and the error is gone. There was one more error with the migration utility: BUILD FAILED
/opt/SoftwareAG1015/MWS/server/deploy.xml:1588: Invalid CEN header (invalid extra data field size for tag: 0xef44 at 125)
If you face this error, please set as below and relaunch the utility, it will be successful.
java -XshowSettings:properties -version

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