Hi All,
I’ve installed wm8 on my system but when i am trying to start mw server it is not getting started. It is opening in command prompt and throwing some error very fast and getting closed. Even it is not loging error any where.
Please help me if any one is having any idea of it.
Check MWS logs for error… Have you configured DB details for MWS?
MWS logs are not getting updated. Yes i’ve configured DB for MWS
Please double check, if db.xml properly configured or not. Make sure connection details which you configured is uncommented and others section in the db.xml properly commented.
As per my knowledge after db.xml configuration, your MWS should come up once you start the MWS…
Hope you installed the tables for MWS.
and double check the log file in the MWS\server\default\logs\
Go to the command prompt, cd into MWS/server//bin, and execute the run.bat or run.sh script. You should be able to see the error message.
- Percio