MLLP protocol and webmethods

does any body have experience using MLLP(minimum low level protocol) with webMethods, One of our vendors wanted to trasmit data with MLLP.

Did you managed to find any resources on this , I have a similar case with the same request ?

Explore the HL7 Module 7.1 SP1 module provided by SAG.

The HL7 eStandard adds support for HL7 2.X standards, which are leading standards worldwide when it comes to healthcare interoperability. It also supports MLLP (Minimum Lower Level Protocol) and other common protocols, such as FTP(S), HTTP(S), and EDIINT, for exchanging HL7 2.x messages.

MLLP protocol comes only with HL7 module. If you don’t install HL7 module, you will not even see the MLLP port in the ports page. HL7 is a standard followed in Health care industry. Is your customer in health care?

HL7 follows two types of message patterns… Flat file (older) and XML (newer)… Which format you are interested to work with?

You might need to provide more details about what you are looking.
