I still have the bookmark to the “Discussion Forums Overview” page, but I see no link to it from the re-designed site. If it’s there, where? If not, will it be reinstated?
It’s unimportant, but sometimes I like to see who else is logged on at the moment.
Typically I use the “View posts since last visit” feature from the index page. On occasion, I’ll see a list of postings, but after respoinding to one, I return to find the list empty. With the “latest topics” section of the missing overview page, at least I was able to see the new posts.
If I’m the only one complaining , then drop the link.
If you look at the LHS navigation the link behind “Forums” now gives you an overview of all the Adabas and Natural forums and behind “Adabas” and “Natural” there is a link to an overview of the corresponding forum. This second link is the equivalent of the one we had before.