

I have upgraded one of my integration from 4x to 6x. In 4x for mapping is done in following manner:
Canonical_xyz.setStringField(“SUBPLAN[” + sub_plan_index + “].STEPS[” + step_index + “].”+MILESTONE_TEXT_PJ , mileStoneText);

When i try to implement the same in 6x i get the following error: while publishing:

[SIZE=2][SIZE=2]ERROR DUMP : [ISS.0098.9007] Data does not conform to the Publishable Document.
[SIZE=2][0] pathName=/SUBPLAN errorCode=VV-006 errorMessage=[ISC.0082.9035] Value cannot be null, allow null value is false.

[SIZE=2]at pub.publish.publish(

i m able to map other fields in the canonical. i m facing the problem only with this field.
Has anyone experienced this error.

The mapping for the field i m doing is documentlist inside another document list

Check the properties of the documentList field in the publishable document . if you can allow nulls, set ‘allow null’ property to true.

Enterprise Integration component changes quite a bit when upgraded to a service. (that code will not work) - You’ll have to use a loop step to map values to the document list.

try to check the properties of the publishable document,whether it has any enumeration values set,if values doesn’t confirm to them that error will be triggered,as i faced same error previously