I have faced a problem in converting EDI file,Using convertToString flow service .
For Example ,
In the version 6.1 , refer to the same record,the result will be:
ST 0001 850000001
But after import the package into the version 6.5,refer to the same record ,the result will be:
ST 0001 850000000001
I have noticed that the contentType of ST02 in version 6.1 is Type329.
It quite confuse me ,Is there any patch or any suggection ?
Thank you .
We are upgrating the platform from webMethods 6.1 to webMethods 6.5 ,As planned ,
Our packages wirriten by ourselevs will be on webMethods 6.5.
The fuction of our package is to convert out EDI file,eg.EDI850 .
In the flow service ,We use wm.b2b.edi:convertToString to create EDI string ,The parameter of ffschema is set ‘EDIRecord.EDI810:EDI810’ , It is generated from XML Schema.
In the version 6.1 , after convertToString ,the result is:
ST 0001 850000001
In the version 6.5 , after convertToString ,the result is::
ST 0001 850000000001
add , We does not use EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850 ,althougth using EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850 will solve the problem ,Changing the flow service will bring big workload .
But i advice you start using the EDI Module provided standard schema EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010:T850,Document out of it.Yes i understand the workload code changes etc…,at some point you got to deal with it for future SAG support.
In the forum , I have seen there is patch for upgrating yestemday.Not sure whether the problem will be solved by patch .Now I will use standard schema.