Wm601 switching from pubschemavalidate to convertToValues

I’m migrating some EDI services developed in 4.6 to 6.01.
It’s my understanding that you can no longer use pub.schema:validate to validate an outbound EDI document but that you must use wm.edi.b2b:convertToValues.

In 4.6 I did the following:

  1. mapped my EDIRecord (ST…SE) of type Document to service in object of pub.schema:validate .
  2. set the value of conforms to point to my template
  3. set maxErrors to -1

In 6.01 I’m attempting the following:

  1. map my EDIRecord (ST…SE) of type Document to service in edidata of wm.edi.b2b:convertToValues
  2. set the value of EDIFFSchema to EDIFFSchema.X12.V4010.T810
  3. set validate to true
  4. set maxErrors to -1

I’m now getting the following error:
Cannot process ffData of type:com.wm.util.Values.

Is EDIRecord now the wrong type to be passing into edidata?


Found the solution to this on pg 33, 2nd paragraph of the EDI Module Users Guide.
You can validate the data using either pass the output of convertToString to convertToValues or pass your IS Document to pub.schema:validate.

They should have included this as one of the steps in doc not as a separate paragraph.