Our System is Upgrading from 6.1 to 6.5, we created new flat file schema using flow service wm.b2b.edi:createTemplateFromSEF, and generate document base on the schema, I want to validate this EDI doc using validate service pub.shema.Validate after mapping data. but validate failed,the errormessage is following:
errorMessage:[ISC.0082.9034] Field is absent, field must exist
It seems that the flow sevice pub.shema.Validate can’t recognize the first field @recode-id in the schema. Is there any error in the shema? Do I need to setup any fixs? Anybody can help me?
I have found some problems with the EDI Document:
The following is the header of the Document structure, the property of the field record-id and segment-id is required, but the fields should not be mapped data . It’s the reason of validatation failed.Why it happened?
Why is /ISA/@record-id set required and I cannot even to modify its property? It should not be mapped with data…
Can anybody help me out with this? Appreciate!