Licence File


When the war deployment wizard is run, a licence file is required on the fourth form.
There seems to be no info in the help documentation.

I found \NaturalONE82-CE\common\conf\oneCE82.xml in the CE installation folder tree.
Is this the right one?
Anyway, I selected it.

After finishing the wizard I ran the ant build and deployed the war file to the local Tomcat.
As the documentation recommends, I had provided a webconfig subfolder in the project.

After starting http://localhost:8080/MyApp and selecting the “Start Application (HTML)” link, the following error was shown:

Please, what is the correct way to use the wizard and which license file is meant?

Many thanks,

PS: I am using CE 8.2.4

Let me quickly add that the result is quite the same when I deploy to a different Tomcat on my same localhost.

So it is not a feature of the CE internal Tomcat.

Let me also add, that the error also comes up when NaturalONE (i.e. the local Natural runtime) is not even started at all.

So the StartCISPage servlet seems to be responsible for checking the license, which is quite plausible.
Or some other component in the Natural for Ajax server.
