Recursive Complex types are not supported in the IS 6.1. I have heard it will be supported in the 6.5 release coming out this spring. Contact support to find out if this is still the case.
Below shows a work around example that shows how you could modify your schema to preserve schema validity, but not use the Recursive Complex types. This example is based on OAG 8.
----------------- Example ---------------------------
The following examples based on OAG 8 are described based on the following webMethods usage scenarios. We have proposed at least one workaround for each of this issue.
Use Case 1 [UC-1]:
Validate XML Node using IS Schema, created using XML Schema Documents
Use Case 2 [UC-2]:
Create Records (or Flows, Specs, Service I/O Signatures, etc.) using XML Schema Documents
Recursive Complex Types:
OAG Release 8 uses recursive complex types. This is legal per XML
Schema and webMethods IS has support in [UC-1] above. However, it impacts [UC-2] and is a known issue. Here is a sample from release 8 that uses recursive complex types.
Source - line 1832, OAGIS8.0\OAGIS\Resources\Components.xsd
A fully generic means of identifying an organizational unit. Can
be an actual business unit (at any level) or an area of
responsibility. Each is described with respect to others,
via the ProximalUnit construct.
Defines the
relationship between this related unit and the preceeding
Suggested Workarounds:
Calls for 2 changes,
[Change 1] Create a new global element decl for ‘RelatedUnit’. That is,
[Change 2] Within ‘OrganizationUnit’ complex type, replace �RelatedUnit’ local element decl with an element decl that uses the global element decl ‘RelatedUnit’ by reference. That is, replace
<xs:element name="RelatedUnit" type="RelatedUnitType"
<xs:element ref="RelatedUnit"