I am unable to go to next page. It seems everything is ok and Autodetect does not work.
Please, help.
Hi Javier,
what is the error message when trying to continue?
To which host is the IP-Adress referring?
Hopefully this is one of your Proxy-Hosts, this can be cross checked with the Internet options from Internet Explorer.
Autodetect will only work when your proxies are configured via WPAD protocol, but not when using a pac file or explicit proxy host.
Thank you, Holger.
The message is showed at bottom image:
‘The update manager cannot connect to the Update Manager server…’
I am referring to host IP-Address.
No next page clicking on ‘NEXT PAGE’ button.
Hi Javier,
can you provide the exact Update Manager Version (can be found on “About”-Link in the upper right)?
Additionally you can take a look at the UpdateManager/logs directory of you installation if there is more information why the UpdateServer cannot be found.
For UpdateManager 11 (used by wM 10.x and newer) I am currently struggling with a UnknownHostException for sdc.softwareag.com.
I have tried several of our companies proxies but none of them allows me to connect to sdc.softwareag.com currently.
This has worked some weeks ago, where is was able to install and update SUM 11 itself, but now it is no longer possible while I try to download the product fixes for wM 10.5 to prepare our next migration from wM 9.12 to wM 10.5.
empower.softwareag.com can be reached, but not sdc.softwareag.com.
Downloading the Installer from Empower Download section works, but this is only the first part.
Thank you, Holger.
The exact version code → v (about link)
File name exec → UpdateManagerInstaller20190416.exe
Message error → the proxy http://…:8080 is set, but did not allow the update manager to connect to the update manager server. Change proxy settings or use autodetect proxy.
Hi Javier,
please make sure that sdc.softwareag.com, empower.softwareag.com and empowersdc.softwareag.com are on the whitelist of the proxy server.