installation problem

I downloaded the webMethods Installer 4.6, however I am not able to install it. I get the following pop up error

“The webMethods installer could not make contact with the server using: Please check your network connectivity”

My network connectivity is fine.

Here are my details:

name: Pradeep Kumar
organization: MindTree consulting
Telephone number (direct): 91-80-6711777 extn: 2303
Preferred e-mail address for reply:
Product(s) and version number(s): webMethods 4.6

Hardware platform: intel pentium III
Operating system: windows 2000
JVM version: JDK 1.4
Severity of problem: critical


This error most commonly occurs if you are behind a proxy server. If so, you will need to launch the installer from the command line using the ‘-proxyHost’ and ‘proxyPort’ options. You can find details on available command line options in the installer readme.

Hope this helps. If this is not the problem, you may want to contact webMethods Technical Services for further assistance, assuming you are covered under a maintenence agreement.

Mark Vachher


Also you would like to check out if your firewall is timing out the install or check if there are any other intermediate software between the Internet and the firewall like “WebSense”. If that is the case, it better you disable it and then try to install,
