Issue in webMethods Installation.


We are able to install webMethods65 successfully in local environment.
While connecting to the Development server through putty software, we are able to execute the jar file by java command (/usr/java5_64/jre/bin/java /local/apps/elemica/install/webMethodsInstaller7.jar) successfully.
After that I can see the intermediate window with advanced options, if we click that option there is no progress.
Please suggest me any port should be connected for this or please suggest me to proceed further and let me know if you required any information.


You can run the webMethods Installer in X-Windows mode if you have X installed and your x-term configured properly (your handy Unix sysadmin can help you with this).

You can also run the installer in “console” mode by supplying the “-console” option.

All this is covered in the, you guessed it, webMethods Installation Guide available on Advantage.



Thank you for your reply. We tried to login with all credentials. But it still gives us an error like ‘unable to connect to host using specified start method’.

We gave StartMethod as ‘REXEC(TCP/IP)’, Program type as ‘X-WINDOWS’, prompt as ‘NONE’, userid, password,host ip address and host type as ‘IBM AIX’ and the command to run a .jar file.

It will be great help, if you can assist us.

Thanks & Regards
Ashok Kumar G

What happens when you use console mode? Can you run other X-Windows apps?

Hi Mcarlson,
Thanks for your valuable inputs.
We succeeded to install webMethods65 software using console mode as per your instructions with the help of Installation guide.