Inbuilt Service

Is there any inbuilt service to send error message to mobile in web methods developer?

Nope…But you can depend on using pub.client:smtp service (set the SMS/txt message email address that pages)


I don’t think there will be any inbulit service for this however you can try these steps.

  1. Send error mail to your email accout.

  2. Apply a filter to forward that mail to a sms gateway.

  3. From sms gateway you will get the mail as sms to your mobile phone.

  4. You can refer this link also.


Good point on the table:

Hi Amol,

Good findings …

but I am afraid we can’t consider such services to be part of our design/Architecture …

As these service providers can block these service any time or they can make it paid services whenever they want …

You should also try with smtp service having with text email address?

we hav done for email notification … mobile alert is need to be done…

Don’t you have text mobile email address?