I have configured a HTTPS Port in webMethods Integration Server 7.1.2 and I realized 2 new parameters introduced in this version called Backlog and Keep Alive Timeout. I would like to set the Keep Alive Timeout setting value to be infinite rather than the default value, 20000 ms (20s).
Please help.
(DevNull43 *)
May 21, 2010, 3:01am
That’s a bad idea, but then set the value to 0.
Why a bad idea? That values does:
“This value will cause the connection to be retained for possible reuse until it times out.”
A remote attacker could open connections, not release them, and use all the threads in the Threadpool port, getting the port unresponsive.
But is your option
Thanks DevNull43 for the reply and advice.
How webMethods 6.5 handling Keep Alive Timeout since this parameter is not exist?
0 is not mends for infinite in this case.
Screenshot is attached.
I have set 5minutes to be the interim solution.
Please help.
(DevNull43 *)
May 25, 2010, 12:52am
It makes no sense either way to have a infinite value here, so +1 for not using it
Ok lets see, if I can explain.
You need to take into account the difference between TCP keep-alive and HTTP keep-alive feature, they are NOT the same.
IS 6.5 did support only HTTP 1.0 when acting as a server (This is when you define a port), and some HTTP 1.1 when it was the client.
IS 7.1 supports HTTP 1.1.
The keep-alive setting is part of HTTP 1.1, so that’s why IS 6.5 did not have this setting.
What does HTTP keep-alive do? Please check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keepalive
Also notice Apache advice on this setting: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/en/mod/core.html#keepalive
That’s why my advice was not to set a infinite one.
September 3, 2021, 6:33am
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