how to maintain and log files, DB Tables Records

Hi All,

I have webMethods 8 SP2 in windows 2003 standard edition vth 40GB and 4GB RAM and using 2000 SQL Database, here i need any help to handle the server log , error log, MWS log ,Optimise logs file and DB Tables Records maintanance, can any one help me steps to backup the all log files and DB Tables records.

I installed webMethods in windows 2003 server almost 6 months back, now hard disk memory utilized with log files and DB Tables Records.

Thanks and Regards,
Anil Kumar Ellendula

Any reply how to Archive/Purge the log files and DB tables records.

Anil Kumar ellendula

I can’t speak to wM8, but in 7.1.2 there is an archive/delete process instance data and log data from the database in the MWS.
MWS → Admin console → Administration → Business → data management–> Archive Audit Data.

There is some setup depending on your database tablespaces. The ARCHIVE tablespace database user needs to have select and delete premissions on the ISCORE and Process Audit Database components.

After you’ve configured the environment, I recomend creating a simple flow service to archive and delete data and schedule it to repeat once or twice a week.

See the Monitor’s User Guide.

Again this is for 7.1.x, I’m unsure how much has changed between the 2 versions.