Hi to all,
i am new to webMethods.i am getting the below error.
com.wm.ff.parse.ParseException: [FFP.0012.0004] Found no valid records
pls can anybody tell me how to resolve the error.
Hi to all,
i am new to webMethods.i am getting the below error.
com.wm.ff.parse.ParseException: [FFP.0012.0004] Found no valid records
pls can anybody tell me how to resolve the error.
Please be little more descriptive of your issue, for better understanding…
The flat file you are passing doesnt have the ‘delimiter’ that you have set.
Hi nandu,
thanks for ur quick response.
i have .txt file.
i saved the data as follows
i created flatfile schema
i entered all the details for creating FFSchema
while i run this code,
i am getting no record definition
Thanks and regards
That error means that none of the records match the record definition(s) you have in your flat file schema. Judging from the sample data, you’re probably trying to define the record layout directly in the FF schema. Unfortunately, for records that do not have a record ID field, that won’t work.
You’ll need to defined an flat file dictionary and define the record there. Then in the FF schema, use that record definition as the default record type. Your FF schema will not have any record definition within it. Just a reference to the record in the FF dictionary and the desired delimiters and other settings.
Refer to the Flat File Schema Developer’s Guide for details.
Hi reamon,
i solved that issue and also i am able to write that file into another file.
i want to send that one to mail.
shall i use smtp service.
Thanks & regards
The SMTP service is indeed the one to use. There are examples in the docs and threads on the forums for sending attachments.
i want to send my file as an attachment to a mail.
i taken the service
and also one more option is ftp
but i am getting exception
com.wm.net.ftpCException: [ISC.0064.9001] Could not connect to ftp server: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect
pls anybody guide me for this issue
is it necessary to configure in is
under settings->logging->editlogging
under that we have servername,internetmail and s o on
can i configure here
thanks and regards
Hi Jana,
below is u r previous post:
Hi reamon,
i solved that issue and also i am able to write that file into another file.
i want to send that one to mail.
shall i use smtp service.
Thanks & regards
now u r able to write the file in the server right.
drag SMTP service.
in pipe line u will see attachments. u just give the file path(where u have written the file).
give content type,host,to…etc