Gentran GIS questions

I am new to this forum, but not the world of EDI. I have worked extensively with Inovis Trusted Link for the iSeries and Gentran. I am a seasoned EDI programmer/analyst who has worked with RPGIV & RPGILE for about 11 years now. Gentran GIS is new to me, and it seems like many companies are moving in this direction. Does anyone have any GIS knowledge pertaining to documents 204 & 214 that they would care to share with me?

Hmm. Is there something related to webMethods products that you’re looking for? This probably isn’t a good forum for GIS questions.

You better post your GIS questions in forum exclusive for Gentran/GIS family products…


I thought it was kinda weird that GOOGLing GIS would bring me to a web methods website. Anyways the client has decided to stay with GIS instead of WM so that may work out better for me. Thank you again for the GIS website url.
