Generate Csv file from FlatFile Schema


I have a schema with one record defined as “recordWithNoID” containing 18 fields.
I need to parse this flat file:
00191893;337753;0811;11/08/03;BRL;+40792,16;-44272,06;+70411,77;+66931,87;841107118; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;00010
The FlatFile Definition is set:
RecordParser = delimiter
record = newline
fields = ;
When i test the parser, occur this error: “Found no valid records”
How can I do to run this??


I believe that you have not created a FlatFileDictionary.
Create a FlatFileDictionary with the recordname as recordWithNoID.Then create the field definitions and select the Extractor Type for the Field Definition(s) as Nth Position and set the postion of the field in the flat file starting from index 0.

Then create a flat file schema:
RecordParser = delimiter
record = newline
fields = ;

In the Settings tab of the FlatFileSchema select the default record pointing to the FlatFileDictionary created above.

Then you can test your schema by clicking on the Test tab in the FlatFileSchema object and browse the CSV file.


Thanks for help…It works fine!