After stopping the antivirus and downloading again from stable connection in the InstallLog i found this :
18:53:45 info DM>
18:53:45 info DM>
18:53:45 info DM>
18:53:45 info CLA> arg #0: -nativestart
18:53:45 info DM> Time: ?? VIII 24 18:53:45 EEST 2021
18:53:45 info DM> Installer client version: 2020-08 (build
18:53:45 info DM> debugLog lvl: info
18:53:45 info DM> Current process name: 7728@DESKTOP-U87GQUG
18:53:45 info DM> real os: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, version: 10.0.17763
18:53:45 info DM> No compatibility mode detected.
18:53:45 info DM> platform: W64
18:53:45 info DM> Java system properties dump start.
18:53:45 info DM> os.arch: amd64
18:53:45 info DM> os.name: Windows 10
18:53:45 info DM> os.version: 10.0
18:53:45 info DM> sun.arch.data.model: 64
18:53:45 info DM> user.name: Svetoslav
18:53:45 info DM> user.home: C:\Users\Svetoslav
18:53:45 info DM> user.language: bg
18:53:45 info DM> java.home: C:\Users\SVETOS~1\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI18762\resources\jre
18:53:45 info DM> java.version: 1.8.0_252
18:53:45 info DM> java.class.path: C:\Users\SVETOS~1\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI18762\resources\sagInstaller.jar
18:53:45 info DM> sun.os.patch.level:
18:53:45 info DM> Java system properties dump end.
18:53:45 info DM> Windows TS/RDP session: console. There are no other active sessions.
18:54:00 warning DMU> package DistMan.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package bootstrapper.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package artifacts.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package content_sag.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.cmdlineinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.core_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.guiinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.headless_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.log4j2.API.config_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.products_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sagjars_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.shared.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sum.credentials.helper_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.internal.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package full_repo/content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/core_11.0.0.0000-0126.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/equinox-W64_10.0.0.0000-0036.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/java-W64_10.1.0.0000-0023.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/launcher_11.0.0.0000-0296.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package DistMan.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package bootstrapper.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package artifacts.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content_sag.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.cmdlineinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.core_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.guiinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.headless_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.log4j2.API.config_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.products_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sagjars_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.shared.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sum.credentials.helper_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.internal.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package full_repo/content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/core_11.0.0.0000-0126.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/equinox-W64_10.0.0.0000-0036.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/java-W64_10.1.0.0000-0023.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/launcher_11.0.0.0000-0296.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package DistMan.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package bootstrapper.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package artifacts.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content_sag.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.cmdlineinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.core_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.guiinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.headless_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.log4j2.API.config_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.products_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sagjars_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.shared.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sum.credentials.helper_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.internal.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package full_repo/content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/core_11.0.0.0000-0126.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/equinox-W64_10.0.0.0000-0036.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/java-W64_10.1.0.0000-0023.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/launcher_11.0.0.0000-0296.zip has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:20 error IIV> Entry e2ei,11,EDICore_9.,BM_WmEDI_X12_50xx-ALL-Any.zip in install image has non-matching SHA256 checksum, install server reports ac5a96c4e70a40ca39eac0131c959fc640c61c3bcc79a4f7fb8ef7716bb8abd0 but is dcaf640810cbdd0ef54b9ea436d1fb8703432f1d864506140a8c0931320e5689 inside install image
18:54:35 error IIV> Entry e2ei,11,TPL_10.,BM_TPL_YAI-ALL-Any.zip in install image has non-matching SHA256 checksum, install server reports 1e2952e0f1a9fe9d52198472d1bc95393f1a2902aaf66efe0c90d856228ce782 but is 725c336fc71b80325ef2cdc06110bc25bdcf71974fdc87212bef2fd453f947c4 inside install image