Free trial zip file is corrupted?

Hello ,

After following the instructions and downloading the zip file for windows(64) the validation of the image in SoftwareAG installer failed. It says “incorrect checksum or sizes”.

Is there a problem with the uploaded zip file ?


This usually points to an interruption (network or antivirus) which messed something up. Try downloading again, over a stable connection or from a VM.


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Hi Svetoslav,

I agree with Kasi.

Most likely it is not image zip itself but some parts inside it (which are also zips), which are affected.
There should be hints in the Installer Log which parts these are.
This can be checked with any tool which can open/unpack zips.
Then complete image zip should be able to open in such tools, but not the parts under the bin folder.


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After stopping the antivirus and downloading again from stable connection in the InstallLog i found this :

18:53:45 info DM>
18:53:45 info DM>
18:53:45 info DM>
18:53:45 info CLA> arg #0: -nativestart
18:53:45 info DM> Time: ?? VIII 24 18:53:45 EEST 2021
18:53:45 info DM> Installer client version: 2020-08 (build
18:53:45 info DM> debugLog lvl: info
18:53:45 info DM> Current process name: 7728@DESKTOP-U87GQUG
18:53:45 info DM> real os: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC, version: 10.0.17763
18:53:45 info DM> No compatibility mode detected.
18:53:45 info DM> platform: W64
18:53:45 info DM> Java system properties dump start.
18:53:45 info DM> os.arch: amd64
18:53:45 info DM> Windows 10
18:53:45 info DM> os.version: 10.0
18:53:45 info DM> 64
18:53:45 info DM> Svetoslav
18:53:45 info DM> user.home: C:\Users\Svetoslav
18:53:45 info DM> user.language: bg
18:53:45 info DM> java.home: C:\Users\SVETOS~1\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI18762\resources\jre
18:53:45 info DM> java.version: 1.8.0_252
18:53:45 info DM> java.class.path: C:\Users\SVETOS~1\AppData\Local\Temp_MEI18762\resources\sagInstaller.jar
18:53:45 info DM> sun.os.patch.level:
18:53:45 info DM> Java system properties dump end.
18:53:45 info DM> Windows TS/RDP session: console. There are no other active sessions.
18:54:00 warning DMU> package DistMan.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package artifacts.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package content_sag.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.cmdlineinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.core_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.guiinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.headless_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.log4j2.API.config_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.products_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sagjars_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.shared.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sum.credentials.helper_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.internal.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package full_repo/content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:00 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package DistMan.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package artifacts.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content_sag.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.cmdlineinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.core_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.guiinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.headless_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.log4j2.API.config_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.products_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sagjars_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.shared.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sum.credentials.helper_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.internal.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package full_repo/content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package DistMan.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package artifacts.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package content_sag.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.cmdlineinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.core_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.guiinstaller_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.headless_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.log4j2.API.config_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.products_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sagjars_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.shared.actions_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package plugins/com.softwareag.fixinstall.sum.credentials.helper_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package features/com.softwareag.fixinstall.internal.feature.patch_11.0.0.0022-0592.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package full_repo/content.jar has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:01 warning DMU> package components/ has platform value we can’t extract, return ‘ALL’
18:54:20 error IIV> Entry e2ei,11,EDICore_9., in install image has non-matching SHA256 checksum, install server reports ac5a96c4e70a40ca39eac0131c959fc640c61c3bcc79a4f7fb8ef7716bb8abd0 but is dcaf640810cbdd0ef54b9ea436d1fb8703432f1d864506140a8c0931320e5689 inside install image
18:54:35 error IIV> Entry e2ei,11,TPL_10., in install image has non-matching SHA256 checksum, install server reports 1e2952e0f1a9fe9d52198472d1bc95393f1a2902aaf66efe0c90d856228ce782 but is 725c336fc71b80325ef2cdc06110bc25bdcf71974fdc87212bef2fd453f947c4 inside install image


this indeed looks like the image zip contains corrupted parts.
When this is a single image zip you are downloading, the issue should have happend while preparing the image on SAG side.

As long as you do not require the EDI and API Gateway/Platform parts, does this help if you do not select them for installation?


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Hi Holger,

I tried to run the installation without EDI and API gateway , but again i received an error during the installation :frowning:

Problem: invalid stored block lengths

This message about block lengths looks like a genuine issue - do write to the team’s email address which is in the automated email that you received.

@borislav.hristov, @toni.petrov, @marielavd - is there a formal support address for issue with the trial edition?


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