Flush Method on Date field

I have a field with a D(ate) format and a flush-method. Using the calendar to select a date does not trigger the flush method, whereas typing it in does trigger the flush.

I need the flush method to be triggered regardless of how it is entered or selected. Can someone please help?

Hi Werner,

In both cases the flushmethod is triggered:

  1. When directly changing the value in the field, the flushmethod is triggered when you leave the field.

  2. When you select the value from the popup, then the flushmethod is triggered when the popup is closed.

This is the defined behavior and it works fine in the current versions. I can remember some bug in some old versions.

If it does not work with the latest version, please add a support request.

Thanks + Best Regards,

Hi Christine

We are using NJX-Version 8.1.1 build 1100. Is the flush method problem you referred to, resolved in this version?


Hi JO,

This has been fixed in 8.1 Service Pack 2.
(324174 Calender - field hx_datum01)

For further questions regarding fixes, please contact support.

Best Regards,