We are using the stock standard Natural popup calender (there seems to be two of them, one for a field declared as a Date, and another for the Date Control - they certainly look slightly different on the two controls).
The DBA’s inform me that neither the DTFORM , nor the DF parameters are set on either the mainframe or the NDV. They are assuming it will then be the default value.
When selecting a date from the PopUp calender, it appears in the field as YYYY-MM-DD. I’ve specified an Edit Mask (YYYY-MM-DD) on the field, but then one looses the Auto PoUp Calender.
The reason I don’t use the DATE control, is because there is no Display Property on that control (which a normal field has).
From 1990 to 2000 I averaged two trips a year of 2-3 weeks duration to South Africa to teach Natural. Since then I have been there sporadically (although in 2008 I made 5 trips for a total of 9 weeks).
I have more than knowledge re Castle; lots of first hand experience.