Flat File using SMTP

Hi all,
Iam having problem with the following scenario, so please help me .


iam using flatfile to send email using smtp protocol. I dont know how to do the process , so anybody please help me in doing above process and also tell whether any files to download for doing this process

please help me in the above process

with regards,

You can use pub.client:smtp public service to send emails including body content,with attachments make sure you set content-type:application/x-wmflatfile for flatfiles or text/plain etc…

Also tell us ur current process flow code/steps and what is the exact problem that you are facing?? so that it helps users to respond accurately.


Hi rmg,
thanku for your answer and i saw the pdfs regarding dsp, i got an idea but iam little bit confuse to use this dsp.I will tell again the problem what iam facing, iam having a flatfile with a data, and i have send this data to my friend email-id by using outlook express ie, smtp .
I have seen a service in wm:pub :client : smtp and iam using this but here the problem is what input this smtp service will take .

please send any sample code to do the process

with rergards,

smtp service can take input like string or bytes…So map the data to content (bytes) use stringtobytes service for attachments or else you can map ffdata directly the data to “body” input variable.Try this and you should able to send email.