Dear All,
I’m facing a problem when restarting IS, The server can not up. On server.log, i see the process stop when loading one of my packages at WmRoot: Startup service (wm.server.schedule:init). PFB
2013-01-06 10:33:52 WIT [ISS.0028.0005I] Loading AxisHLRGW package
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (wm.server.event:startEventAgentPort)
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (wm.server.ns:syncToNamespace)
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (wm.server.remote:init)
2013-01-06 10:33:54 WIT [ISS.0028.0012I] WmRoot: Startup service (wm.server.schedule:init)[/i]
[ISS.0028.0005I]I did not make any changes in that pacakge, but why the process stop when loading that package ya?
I can not find any error on server.log but WmRoot: Startup service (wm.server.schedule:init) information.
Anyone know what i should check so i can find the root cause and fix the problem?
Need your advice regarding this.
Many thanks