I have a fresh re-install of IS 6.1 which produces numerous errors (75) during startup. IS seems to work OK, but the startup errors are disconcerting.
The errors have the form
“Failure while loading service wm.server.query:isSafeMode: [SS.0026.9106] No method isSafeMode”
:\webMethods61\IntegrationServer\bin>.\serverWM.bat -debug 4 -log noneC:\webMethods61\IntegrationServer\jvm\bin\java.exe" -ms256M -mx512M -DWM_HOME=“C:\webMethods61\InteationServer..” -classpath ;“C:\webMethods61\IntegrationServer\jvm\lib\rt.jar;C:\webMethods61\InterationServer\jvm\lib\i18n.jar”;“C:\webMethods61\IntegrationServer\lib\proxy.jar”; com.wm.app.serverMain “C:\webMethods61\IntegrationServer”\bin\ini.cnf -pcp -acp C:\webMethods61\IntegrationServer\pckages\WmJDBCAdapter\code\jars\javaxsql.zip -ecp -debug 4 -log none
2005-11-16 18:54:52 EST [ISS.0025.0001C] Integration Server 6.1 Build 132
2005-11-16 18:54:52 EST [ISS.0025.0006C] License Manager started
2005-11-16 18:54:52 EST [ISS.0025.0041C] FIPS mode not initialized
2005-11-16 18:54:53 EST [ISS.0025.0017C] Repository Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:01 EST [ISS.0025.0024C] JDBC Connection Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:01 EST [ISS.0095.0005C] AuditLogManager Initialization failed, no JDBC connection pol available.
2005-11-16 18:55:03 EST [ISS.0025.0023C] Audit Log Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:03 EST [ISS.0025.0021C] ACL Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:03 EST [ISS.0025.0008C] State Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:06 EST [ISS.0025.0010C] Service Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:06 EST [ISS.0025.0020C] Validation Processor started
2005-11-16 18:55:06 EST [ISS.0025.0022C] Statistics Processor started
2005-11-16 18:55:06 EST [ISS.0025.0018C] Invoke Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:06 EST [ISS.0025.0012C] Cache Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:09 EST [ISS.0098.0026D] Document Store DefaultStore initialized
2005-11-16 18:55:11 EST [ISS.0098.0026D] Document Store VolatileTriggerStore initialized
2005-11-16 18:55:11 EST [ISS.0098.0026D] Document Store TriggerStore initialized
2005-11-16 18:55:12 EST [ISS.0098.0026D] Document Store ResubmitStore initialized
2005-11-16 18:55:13 EST [ISS.0106.0001D] Join Manager initialized
2005-11-16 18:55:13 EST [ISS.0025.0032C] Dispatcher initialized
2005-11-16 18:55:13 EST [ISS.0025.0004C] Flow Service Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:13 EST [ISS.0025.0002C] Package Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:13 EST [ISS.0025.0011C] Package Replicator Manager started
2005-11-16 18:55:13 EST [ISS.0028.0001C] Loading packages
2005-11-16 18:55:14 EST [ISS.0028.0005C] Loading WmRoot package
2005-11-16 18:55:14 EST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.server.query:isSafeMode: [SS.0026.9106] No method isSafeMode in class wm.server.query
2005-11-16 18:55:15 EST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.server.ldap:getConfiguredSrver: [ISS.0026.9106] No method getConfiguredServer in class wm.server.ldap
2005-11-16 18:55:15 EST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.server.ldap:findLDAPGroups [ISS.0026.9106] No method findLDAPGroups in class wm.server.ldap
2005-11-16 18:55:15 EST [ISS.0026.0002E] Failure while loading service wm.server.triggers:getTriggereport: [ISS.0026.9106] No method getTriggerReport in class wm.server.triggers