Error starting up CentraSite


I installed the CentraSite package following the installation instructions.
After verifying that the necessary services have been started (Centrasite 8.0 Apache, Tomcat, CSLayer service and EventLayerservice) I try to start CentraSite Control. I log in using my local credentials (I run windows XP) but then I receive the following error:

Connection handler com.centrasite.control.login failed to establish connection.
Reason: Database access error. Can’t connect to server CentraSite.
Plug-in com.centrasite.control has been disabled.

When I log in to the Management Hub I cannot see any entries concerning the registry/repository so I can not verify its status.

Does anybody have any clue how to continue?


Hi Paul,

If you are using CS 8.0 version, then CS Database needs to be started manually after the installation.
To do it, Login into SMH and navigate to the CS Registry/Repository and check the status of it. If it is in stop status make it start.

I hope this change should resolve the issue. Let me know if you have any issues in this regard.


Hi Nagaraju,

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I am using CS 8.0. Unfortunately when I log in to the SMH, I cannot navigate to the CentraSite entry. I receive the following error:

ARGCLE2007 The user does not have permissions to carry out this

Although I use the same account as the one that was used to install CS.


The best way is to find the INMConfiguration.xml file in your machine where CS installed. This file gives you some information on what “host” it installed and try using that user and valid password. (If it is on domain, then user name must be suffixed with the domain).



Prefixing with the domain gives me more result! Thanks!

But… during the startup of the database I now recieve an internal error (INODSE2032) :

Internal error occured: RGS reg_set_registry_value [dsifcfgpar.c -2650] 4

Could this be a permission issue?

best regards