Error 800706ba when trying to execute function

I have a Windows workstation that I connect to a Linux server running EntireX/DCOM.
I run a client program on the Windows machine and the QueryInterface works ok and I receive a pointer to a class. I call a function in this class and get the error 800706ba.
When I run the client locally on Linux the function works perfectly.
I believe there can be some security problems, bu I have already tried a number of different settings for security both on server and client.
What can the problem be? Security? Something else? Any ideas?


this might be a problem of muscopnfiguration of the Linux machine. Check you /etc/hosts file. It should look like this (if you machine name is lin01) lin01 localhost

If there is an entry like lin01
that is definetly wrong.

You can also just attach the contents of /etc/hosts to a replay.

Volker Denkhaus

Ohh great!
Thank you, that worked perfectly fine!!
We had never found that out by ourselves.