EntireX DCOM for Linux Hangup

i have just installed exx DCOM v711 and i have some problem when i run the sample application (DCOverify). Everything work fine the first time i run the client but when i rerun the client, it stuck at “CoCreateInstance …”. Some time, i can run the client two times before it hangs. The entire dcom environment seems to crash. When i try to restart everything via “sermon shutdown”, nothing happens (the program doesn’t even return).
Every other program “exx” react this way (sermon, dcomcnfg, etc).

Also, the “coolprip” program won’t run if i start the environment under “sag” user with “ntwopper ntd”. I must use “service ntd start” as “root”. Is it normal ?


Jean-Luc R.-Boulianne


what kind of Linux system are you using?

Volker Denkhaus


i use red hat linux 9.0 on a intel x86 machine (PIII 600, 384 meg RAM)
The kernel is 2.4.20-28.9
(gcc version 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)

thank you for the rapid answer

Jean-Luc R.-Boulianne


version 7.1.1 is not released for use on RedHat 9.0. There are some technial issues like the new thread library which makes problems. Although we do not support version 7.1.1.on that platform, it might be worth a try to test again, after setting the environment variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL to 2.4.0.

Volker Denkhaus


I finally got the DCOM environment setup correctly . The tests with sclient and sserver work perfectly locally. My question now is about communication win/linux. I have the sclient and sserver compiled for windows and i want to try the communication between both machines.

My win box use a domain controller for authentication. Is it required that the DCOM environment use also the domain controller authentication or i still can use the local method. When I try with this method, I got these error:

Win client: IStream::Read failed (800706ba / 1722)
Linux client: CoCreateInstanceEx failed (80070005 / 5)

Both machine have the same user/pass. If someone can tell me if primary domain controler auhentication is mandatory in my case, it would be greatly appreciated !!

best regards

Jean-Luc Boulianne


you can look up error codes in winerror.h file, or you use a tool errlook on Windows I think it cmes with Visual Studio).
The error 800706ba means that the remote machine was not found. Either the client machine cannot resolve the name or IP-address of the remote machine, or on the remote machine the rpcss is not listening on port 135. Start “sclient -n ” if on the remote machine DCOM is started. On Linux you can check listen on port 135 with “netstat -a | grep 135” before starting DCOM there should be no listen) and after. But sometimes there is an alias for port 135, like epmap (look for 135/tcp in /etc/services) for an alias if set.
The eror 80070005 means ACCESS_DENIED. For first tests, you should always use local authenticaton. Change the $EXDIR/$EXXVERS/etc/dcomconfig and set the parameters for paulad to “-local -nolisten”. Then use the tool ntpasswd with a user name as parameter and add the password for this user on your UNIX/LINUX machine. This user should have the same password on the Windows machine. Also you need to the the dcomcnfg utility on Windows, that this user has the permissions to launch and access the required DCOM servers (like sserver).

Using domain controllers needs an additional process and dll on the windows machine wich is only available in the EntireX Communicator Windows version.

Volker Denkhaus