EntireX and cXML


One of our trading partners provides data in cXML format (which seems to stand for Commercial XML from doing some Google research). Can we use EntireX to accept such data and invoke a Natural RPC server process like we do XML/SOAP? If not, are there any recommendations for how to get there?

I didn’t see any options for IDL Extractor for cXML, but wonder if the IDL Extractor for XML schema or IDL Extractor for XML document options can be of use. I don’t really know what we will be publishing in the end since I doubt this will result in a WSDL being published. I obviously have no experience with cXML here.

Thanks in advance!



Hello Brian,

On cxml.org I only found a couple of DTD files, but no XML Schema files. EntireX does have an Extractor for XML Schema (and XML sample documents) but not for DTDs.

Thanks, Rolf.

Perhaps these DTDs will be helpful, as it appears there are methods and tools for converting DTDs into XSDs.

