Endpoint URL change in Mediator / Centrasite

Hi All,

When we are deploying/ creating asset in mediator we are setting endpoint url of REST/webService like (dev IS url for DEV VSD, QA IS url for QA VSD) . So need to create VSD again when to deploy to prod point to Prod IS endpoint. Is there anyway we can make this url as a variable either in Mediator (replace at runtime) or in Centrasite (replace at the time of VSD deployment to mediator). Kindly help if there is any flexibility for this.

Baharul Islam

Hi ALl,

Able to get this one.

First we need to create and deploy runTime alias from Centrasite to mediator. Then in next step in creating VSD replace API urls with runTime alias. So whenever deploying centrasite asset to mediator it will always take when end point url is set in mediator as per alias.

Baharul Islam