Duplicate External ID

hi all,

I am using a IS + TN to integrate our Market place with partners ERP systems.

My question reguards Partner Profile. It is safe to define more than one External Id of the same Type?

Bellow is why I need this:

One of the processes receive the PO from partner and transforms the XML into another format to be posted in MarketPlace. This is pretty complex task.

Usualy each partner writes the company code in a specific field into PO. This field is decoded into MarketPlace company ID using partner profile (I define External ID type Partner & MarketPlace).

Recently we had to integrate a new partner that is actually a holding. The PO send by the holding have different company codes in PO. I have to map all codes into unique MarketPlaceID.

To do this I defined in External IDs a new Partner ID for each company.

Any issues you know with this solution?



> My question reguards Partner Profile. It is safe to define more
> than one External Id of the same Type?

Sorin - it should be OK to define a duplicate External ID of the same type in the same profile as long as the values are unique.

In our case, our company was assigned unique TPIDs by multiple C1 marketsites. The TPIDs values were unique - I believe this is guarenteed since CommerceOne allocates TPID “blocks” to it’s customers.

So our “My Company” TN profile has multiple, different, TPID identifiers.

I’m not sure I got the rest of your question though - there may be other more-efficient approaches.

Thank you Sonam