Database connections Local IS

What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?

webMethods 10.5.

Are you using a free trial or a product with a customer license?

product with a customer license.

What are trying to achieve? Please describe in detail.


It’s possible to point my Local IS on the database of my development environment? and what is the procedure to follow in this case?
I have this error:
The JDBC function “ISCoreAudit”, pool alias “webm_audit” has entered fail-fast mode. The exception message is: [SoftwareAG][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Échec de l’ouverture de session de l’utilisateur ‘WM_AUDIT’.

Thanks in advance.

Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.

I don’t recommend pointing a personal installation to the schema of an active/productive installation. You will see audit info of your local IS being written into the schema and it may cause confusion to other users. Not to mention, this is unsupported, in the context of a personal and official installation sharing the same database.

Having said that, yes, it is possible. I will skip the performance and overload aspects here.
Since you are able to get a response from the database, your error means that you don’t have the correct credentials (user and/or password).


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Thank you for your recommendation, I agree with you.
So to do this properly, I have to create a local database instance?
Another question, the WmJDBCAdapter package is missing on local IS, it’s normal? we can’t create database connections on local ?
Thank you

Hi @RCA ,
I’m curious as to why you want to point your local IS to a DB of another IS , is your requirement that you want to reuse the table structure already created? Or do you want to setup some kind of a cluster perhaps?


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Database - Yes, install a local database server, create a database schema, create a relevant user instead of the default user, execute the wM database scripts for the components you want and then point your local IS to the database. Read the installation documentation for more guidance.

Now, if you’re installing the IS from scratch, you can setup the database first as I mentioned above, and then pass the connection info and credentials directly during the installation of the IS - no manual updates to JDBC Pools or a restart are required.

Also, depending on what you want to do, you can just use the Embedded database that ships with the IS by default - you may not need an RDBMS.

JDBC Adapter - As for JDBC, you must install a component named “webMethods Adapter for JDBC” and you’ll have the package installed and loaded for you. Don’t import the package manually from your development instance.



Thank you for details. it’s very clear and it answers my questions.
Thank you

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