Our ApplinX implementation is Java based and we are experiencing sporadic connection problems.
This has been an ongoing (and frustrating) issue that we can’t seem to get our heads around.
I have implemented some code to check the status of the session → getGXSession(), but need some assistance with reestablishing the connection when it is down, without the user have to login again. I’ve tried gx_attach() and gx_connect with little success.
Code snippet below
GXPathRequest req = new GXPathRequest(“DeleteReserveStock”);
req.addVariable(“CustomerNumber”, getTagsAccesor().getTagContent(“customernumbersearch”));
req.addVariable(“ProductCode”, getTagsAccesor().getTagContent(“currentOrderLineProductCode”));
getGXSession().executePath(req); // FAILS HERE SPORADICALLY
Any assistance would be great.