How to kill session ?, problem to attach Sesion

Hi to all, I´m new en Applinx and I have a problem.

I have a project where sessions are opened, but when I want to recover it there are occasions where I receive the message “Session is Attached”.

It is possible to kill a session if it can not be recovered.

I have this method by attach sessions :

public SesionApplinx attachSesion(String serverURL, String applicationName, String sesionId) throws ApplinxException {
		SesionApplinx nuevaSesionApplinx = new SesionApplinx(serverURL, applicationName);
		try {
			nuevaSesionApplinx.setClientBaseObject(GXClientBaseObjectFactory.getBaseObject(new GXAttachToSessionRequest(serverURL, sesionId)));
			nuevaSesionApplinx.setCreateSessionRequest(new GXCreateSessionRequest(serverURL, applicationName, sesionId, "", "", "", ""));
			return nuevaSesionApplinx;
		} catch (GXGeneralException e) {
			throw new ApplinxException(e);

But when I do:

nuevaSesionApplinx.setCreateSessionRequest(new GXCreateSessionRequest(serverURL, applicationName, sesionId, "", "", "", ""));

An exception occurs.

I can´t attach the session them I can´t close it. There is some way to kill it ?

Regards and sorry for my english

This issue has been addressed and fixed recently.
Which version are you using?